A Yogacharya BKS Iyengar
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BKS Iyengar

BKS Iyengar


  1. IYENGAR, BKS, Light on Yoga, Schocken, New York, 1966.
  2. IYENGAR, Geeta, Yoga. A Gem for Women, Allied, New Delhi, 1983.
  3. CLENNELL, Bobby, Props and Ailments, Pune, 1988.
  4. COUCH, Jean, The Runner’s Yoga Book, Rodmell Press, Berkeley, 1990.
  5. SCARAVELLI, Vanda, Awakening the Spine, HarperCollins, New York, 1991.
  6. TOBIAS, Maxine y John Patrick Sullivan, Complete Stretching, Knopf, London, 1992.
  7. IYENGAR, BKS, Light on Yoga, HarperCollins, New Delhi, 1993.  
  8. IYENGAR, BKS, Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, HarperCollins, New Delhi, 1993.
  9. IYENGAR, BKS, Light on Pranayama, HarperCollins, New Delhi, 1993.
  10. IYENGAR, BKS, The Art of Yoga, HarperCollins, New Delhi, 1993.
  11. CHANCHANI, Swati y Rajiv, Yoga for Children, UBSPD, New Delhi, 1995.
  12. IYENGAR, BKS, The Tree of Yoga, HarperCollins, New Delhi, 1995.
  13. IYENGAR, BKS, La Luz del Yoga, Kairós, Barcelona, 1995.
  14. LASATER, Judith, Relax & Renew, Rodmell Press, Berkeley, 1995.
  15. FRANCINA, Suza, The New Yoga for People Over 50, HCI, Florida 1997.
  16. IYENGAR, BKS, The Illustrated Light on Yoga, HarperCollins, New Delhi, 1997.
  17. IYENGAR, BKS, Luz sobre el Pranayama, Kairós, Barcelona, 1997.
  18. MEHTA, Mira, How to use Yoga, Rodmell Press, Berkeley, 1998.
  19. SAUDEK, Chris, Yoga Kurunta, The Yoga Place, La Crosse, 1999.
  20. SHAH, J.T., Therapeutic Yoga, VFS, Mumbai, 1999.
  21. TELANG, Sulochana, Understanding Yoga Through Body Knowledge, Padmagandha Prakashan, Pune, 1999.
  22. AEYI, Yoga Jwala No. 1, Madrid, 2000.
  23. IYENGAR, BKS, El Árbol del Yoga, Kairós, Barcelona, 2000.
  24. IYENGAR, Geeta, Yoga in Action for Beginners, YOG, Mumbai, 2000.
  25. AEYI, Yoga Jwala No. 2, Madrid, 2001.
  26. IYENGAR, BKS, Yoga. The Path to Holistic Health, DK, London, 2001.
  27. IYENGAR, BKS, Arogya Yoga (Marathi), Rohan, Pune, 2001.
  28. IYENGAR, BKS, Yoga Sarvansathi (Marathi), Rohan, Pune, 2001.
  29. AEYI, Yoga Jwala No. 3, Madrid, 2002.
  30. AUSTIN, Miriam, Yoga y Estiramiento para Todos, Océano, Barcelona, 2002.
  31. MEHTA, Mira, Health Through Yoga, Thorsons, London, 2002.
  32. AEYI, Yoga Jwala No. 4, Madrid, 2003.
  33. BITTLESTON, Jennie, Los secretos del Yoga, Evergreen, Colonia, 2003.
  34. IYENGAR, BKS, Luz sobre los Yoga Sutras de Patañjali, Kairós, Barcelona, 2003.
  35. IYENGAR, BKS y Geeta, Basic Guidelines for Teachers of Yoga, YOG, Pune, 2003.
  36. LASATER, Judith, 30  Essential Yoga Poses, Rodmell Press, Berkeley, 2003.
  37. SMITH, Judy, Iyengar Yoga, Lorenz Books, London, 2003.
  38. AEYI, Yoga Jwala No. 5, Madrid, 2004.
  39. DOLLAR, Cindy,  MacKENZIE, Susana, Yoga Your Way, Lark Books, New York, 2004.
  40. IYENGAR, BKS, Guruji Uwach, Rupa, New Delhi, 2004.
  41. LASATER, Judith, Yoga for Pregnancy, Rodmell Press, Berkeley, 2004.
  42. MEHTA, Mira, El Yoga y la Salud, Tutor, Madrid, 2004.
  43. SPARROWE, Linda y Patricia Walden, El Libro del Yoga y de la Salud para la Mujer, EDAF, Madrid, 2004.
  44. STEINBERG, Lois, Iyengar Yoga Therapeutics: The Knee, Illinois, 2004.
  45. AEYI, Yoga Jwala No. 6, Madrid, 2005.
  46. BLAINE, Sandy, Yoga for Healthy Knees, Rodmell Press, Berkeley, 2005.
  47. IYENGAR, BKS, Light on Life, Rodale, London, 2005.
  48. IYENGAR, BKS, Luz sobre el Yoga, Kairós, Barcelona, 2005.
  49. LASATER, Judith, Yoga Abs, Rodmell Press, Berkeley, 2005.
  50. LONG, Ray, The Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga, Bandha Yoga Publications, New York, 2005.
  51. MEHTA, Mira y Krishna Arjunwadkar, Introducción al Yoga, Tutor, Madrid, 2005.
  52. MEHTA, Silva, Mira y Shyam, Yoga el Método Iyengar, Tutor, Madrid, 2005.
  53. RIMYI, Yogashastra. Vol.1, Yog, Mumbai, 2005.
  54. AEYI, Yoga Jwala No. 7, Madrid, 2006.
  55. BIRIA, Corine, Cuentos y Leyendas de los Sabios de Luz sobre el Yoga, AEYI, Madrid, 2006.
  56. IYENGAR, BKS, Iyengar Yoga for beginners, DK, London, 2006.
  57. MOYER, Donald, Yoga. Awakening the Inner Body, Rodmell Press, Berkeley, 2006.
  58. AEYI, Yoga Jwala No. 8, Madrid, 2007.
  59. BUSIA, Kofi, Iyengar. The Yoga Master, Shambhala, Boston, 2007.
  60. CLENNELL, Bobby, The Woman’s Yoga Book, Rodmell Press, Berkeley, 2007.
  61. IYENGAR, BKS, Luz sobre la Vida, Kairós, Barcelona, 2007.
  62. IYENGAR, BKS, La Esencia del Yoga. Vol. I, Kairós, Barcelona, 2007.
  63. IYENGAR, BKS, Yoga Iyengar. Manual de iniciación, Tutor, Madrid, 2007.
  64. IYENGAR, Geeta, Yoga para la Mujer, Kairós, Barcelona, 2007.
  65. AEYI, Yoga Jwala No. 9, Madrid, 2008.
  66. IYENGAR, BKS, La Esencia del Yoga. Vol. II, Kairós, Barcelona, 2008.
  67. LASATER, Judith, Posturas Pasivas para un Yoga Reconstituyente, Tutor, Madrid, 2008.
  68. LONG, Ray, The Key Poses of Hatha Yoga, Bandha Yoga Publications, New York, 2008.
  69. LONG, Ray, Los Músculos Clave en el Hatha Yoga, Acanto, Barcelona, 2008.
  70. LONG, Ray, Las Posturas Clave en el Hatha Yoga, Acanto, Barcelona, 2008.
  71. AEYI, Yoga Jwala No. 10, Madrid, 2009.
  72. IYENGAR, BKS, La Esencia del Yoga. Vol. III, Kairós, Barcelona, 2009.
  73. IYENGAR, BKS, Yoga Wisdom & Practice, DK, New York, 2009.
  74. BLAINE, Sandy, Yoga para usuarios de ordenador, Tutor, Madrid, 2010.
  75. IYENGAR, BKS, La Esencia del Yoga. Vol. IV, Kairós, Barcelona, 2010.
  76. IYENGAR, Geeta, Rita Keller y Kerstin Khattab, Iyengar Yoga for Motherhood, Sterling, New York, 2010.
  77. LETTICK CROTZER, Shoosh, Yoga para la fibromialgia, Tutor, Madrid, 2010.
  78. McCALL, Timothy, Yoga y medicina, Paidotribo, Badalona, 2010.
  79. BLAINE, Sandy, Yoga para unas rodillas sanas, Tutor, Madrid, 2011.
  80. IYENGAR, BKSLa Esencia del Yoga. Vol. V, Kairós, Barcelona, 2011.